Expected schedule:

There may be changes. Please check up when the race course is announced the day before the race.

18:00-21:00 Registration and webtracking assistance at the race center
19:00-21:00 Get together at the race center
08:30 Registration, webtracking assistance and loading of surfskis at the finish site
10:00 Bus and trailers leaves to start site
12:00 Race instructions and check of safety equipment at the start site
13:15 Womens start followed by mens start
18:30 Dinner party and prizegiving at the Race Center
08:30 Registration, webtracking assistance and loading of surfskis at the finish site
10:00 Bus and trailers leaves to start site
12:00 Race instructions and check of safety equipment at the start site
13:15 Womens start followed by mens start
16:30 Prizegiving at the finish site